Tequila Zombies 2



God I love zombie games, it’s not about violence really, like playing Tequila Zombies 2 Made me realize what’s this obsession about zombies or rather passion is about: This assumption may be wrong of course but think about it yourself, why do we like zombie games, because of killing them triggers no guilt? Hardly, there are tons of monster games that do the same but no passion in them. Now, when you think of it, it is all about survival in post-apocalyptic world where zombies are just another or rather main obstacle standing in your way of surviving.

Post Apocalypse

It’s the building defense, barricades, salvaging food and equipment and resources that makes it all so much fun. Most people don’t realize this, ironically, people that SHOULD and MUST understand this, like Walking Dead producers, they keep going the wrong way, humans vs humans, “Governor” and %$!@ like that, nobody gives a %!@# about Governor really, it’s a completely wrong approach, they dedicated 2 full episodes to completely irrelevant and absolutely uninteresting and irritating character – the Governor.

Now Tequila Zombies 2 may not be the best example of what I’ve just been describing but in the end, it all comes down to it, the survival in post apocalyptic world. The real world as we know is no longer, no rules, no law, only you zombies and smocking barrels. And some hot chicks to take along with you. Nonetheless, you should definitely play Tequila Zombies 2 game on Shock Shed. It’s a huge fun. Make sure you browse the zombie games category as well, there are some more awesome zombie games on Shock Shed website, like Jack the Zombie, Rebuild series and more and more. It’s a brand new website so don’t expect much, there are only few games involving zombies and apocalypse.

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